DIY Crochet necklace

By | 24 April, 2019

Crochet necklace can be made quickly and easily. So have a look below at DIY crochet necklace that will be helpful during jewelry design training.


Materials needed for crochet necklace:

  • Cotton thread
  • Crochet hook
  • Seed beads
  • Craft glue
  •  Scissors


  • Apply a small amount of glue at the tip of the cotton thread. Make it smooth and let it dry. It will make the end stiff. Thus you can string beads easily.
  • Decide the length of the necklace. Then include the number of the beads. Add as much you wish to add to the thread before you start crocheting.
  • For creating 30’’ long necklace, you will need 250 chain stitches as per jewelery design training.
  • In order to gauge the chain stitches, crochet several times. After that measure them with no stretching to find out what is obtained.
  • After you are done with the 250 chain stitches, add an extra 6 chains. Then slip stitch them into the 6th one from the end. It will form a loop to close this necklace later.
  • Reverse it and then keep on continuing back till the chain. Perform a slip stitch into each chain present in that previous row. Before making each 10th slip stitch you need to slip a strung bead up. It has to be into the place. Always do the slip stitch around the beads. It will allow it to stay in the place.
  • Then repeat this procedure all throughout the chain.
  • Once you are at the chain’s end, crochet on a bead during the last slip stitch. It may be close to it by 1-2 stitch. Make the thread well fastened and knot two of the tails together. Then cut them to 1”. According to jewelery design training, you should add some glue for additional security.
  • At this end the present bead will get the loop from that opposite looped end around it for closing the necklace.So if you can crochet any chain stitch along with a slip stitch, crochet necklace making will be fun.