How to Develop a Great Fashion Portfolio

By | 20 May, 2015

Fashion Design

A fashion portfolio represents your inner designer and your talent. Whether you are applying for a fashion design school or a young talent trying to make his/her debut, a portfolio would be the representative. So, it is essential to create your fashion portfolio the way it highlights your skills as well as represents the real designer in you. Let’s have a look to the things that can turn a simple fashion portfolio into a great fashion portfolio.


Proper research

Your portfolio should be focused on the purpose it is being prepared for. Whether it is the school or the firm you are going to contact with, make sure you understand the portfolio requirements accordingly. There would always be some particular requirement for a particular school, for example, design projects, a sketchbook, or a toile etc. so if you are approaching with an amusing work of art in your portfolio yet no sign of the sketchbook or design project, there is a fat chance you could lose the opportunity.

Note: you can always ask for a permission to show your outstanding projects that do not include in the requirements.

 Make your portfolio flexible

The portfolio should be flexible as you can take out or add in the projects. It is not necessary to have an expensive bulky or glamorous, however, it is important that the presentation should be attractive and smart.

Note: always keep a digital version of your portfolio.


A lot of people look forward to find out about the development of the project and see the process in which the person has gone through to get to his/her final product, as that is the core responsibility of any role in most fashion jobs. So, do not forget to show the research, development, experimentation and all other related stuff. It justifies your concept when you are able to explain your coherent design work.

Note: do not include any kind of unprofessional photos in your portfolio.


Your portfolio must contain sketches or drawings of your projects. Sketching is one of the essential skills of a fashion designer and it should be always highlighted in your resume.

Note: Do not forget about the presentation, whether in terms of your sketches or the projects. Don’t forget Fashion is all about the PRESENTATION.

When you are done with assembling of the essential and required things to include in your portfolio, make sure they all follow a right order. And, that would be starting with the project presenting your strongest skills and ending with the second best project so that your work would be memorable.

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